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Lishui Shows Up at CIIE for a Second Year in a Row
中国网 china.com.cn  时间: 2020-12-17

On the morning of November 9, 2020, Xue Fengguan, Party Chief of Lishui District, Nanjing, delivered an impassioned speech at the 3rd China International Import Expo (CIIE). For two straight years, Lishui has stepped on this stage to present its legendary beauty and unlimited potential to the world.

On the same day, CIIE staged the Nanjing High Quality Development Investment Environment Promotion Conference & Launching Ceremony of Key Sector Investment Promotion Month. The conference put the spotlight on industries like biomedicine, integrated circuit, software and information services, financial and technical services, high-end intelligent equipment, cultural tourism and health. Among the 300-odd participants are eight countries’ consuls general in Shanghai and representatives of 75 companies and institutions at home and abroad. Jiangbei New Area and Lishui District, two growth centers of Nanjing, also made their pitch at the conference.

文章来源:中国网 责任编辑:许汝艺
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