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Online Nurse Appointment Available in Lishui District, Nanjing
中国网 china.com.cn  时间: 2020-12-18

A new smart healthcare service rolls out in Lishui District, Nanjing, which enables residents to book professional home nursing services via their mobile phones, saving lots of trouble in repeated hospital trips for nursing, wound-dressing change, rehabilitation, etc. This “Internet + Nursing” service was officially launched in May 2020 and is now available across the district. So far, 29 nurses have gained qualification for such services through specialized municipal-level training.

With an O2O service model, health care institutions can provide at-home nursing services for immobile patients, patients requiring medical care following discharge, and mothers and newborns based on online applications. The nurses would not be able to serve unless they have passed related tests after training, ensuring professional, safe and high-quality services for patients and bringing great convenience to them and their families.

文章来源:中国网 责任编辑:许汝艺
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