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Lishui Holds a National Summit to Turbocharge Tech-enabled Growth in the Health Care Industry
中国网 china.com.cn  时间: 2020-12-18

On December 13, the 2nd National Biomagnetics and Magnetic Nanomaterials Academic Conference and the 9th National Nanomedicine Doctoral Summit was held in Lishui District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province.

Lishui aims to create a national demonstration base of “Healthy China”, a health care reform initiative, and build itself into the south center of Nanjing and a vibrant new town. Thanks to its efforts, the district has seen exponential growth in its health care industry. The district has also commissioned Southeast University to compile and publish the first assessment report on building “Healthy Jiangsu Demonstration Area”.

Many experts and professors were invited to the summit to facilitate inter-disciplinary interaction, promote the application of magnetic technologies and magnetic nanomaterials to biomedicine and the larger health sector, and fuel the innovation-driven development of the “Healthy China” demonstration base. The summit also serves as a great learning platform for accelerating the joint development and transformation of the biomedicine and health industries in Lishui.

Lishui District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province.

文章来源:中国网 责任编辑:许汝艺
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